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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.


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Carson City
Edmonds Sports Complex - map
1555 Livermore Lane, Carson City, NV 89701
From 395: Turn east on Snyder Avenue, go approximately two miles to Edmonds Drive. Turn left, on Edmonds Drive. Edmonds Fields are about half mile down on the left. A Field directory is at the complex entrance.
From 50 East: Turn south on Fairview Drive. Go through traffic circle, continuing straight on Fairview Drive, turn left on Edmonds Drive. Edmonds Fields are about two miles down on the right-hand side. A Field directory is at the complex entrance.

Carson Valley
* Aspen Park - map
From 88: Turn East on Kimmerling Way. At the stop sign on Tillman Lane, take a left. Turn right on the third street, Muir Drive . Aspen Park will be on the right hand side about a half mile. To get to the U12 fields, pass the parking area on Muir and turn right at Lyell Way just past the park, turn right in to the parking lot ¼ mile up the road.

*Lampe Park - map
From 395, turn west on Waterloo Lane. Park is on right hand side one block down.

Mark Twain Park - map
At the end of Roughing It Road off of Six Mile Canyon Rd. in Dayton

Mammoth Lake
* Mammoth Lake Crowley Field - click here for PDF

* Whitmore Sports Field
Spring U10 & U14+ fields.For those of you who know where the Whitmore pool is: the Whitmore Sports Fields are just before and on the opposite side of Benton Crossing Road.
Directions: Take 395 to Benton Crossing Road which is 5-6 miles south of 203 (Mammoth exit) and just south of the airport.  there is the old green church on  the corner of 395 and Benton Crossing road.  Head East on Benton Crossing Road just over 1/2 a mile, turn left just past he animal shelter.  The U10 Field is in the outfield of the baseball field 1, first thing in the right.  The full-sized artificial turf field can be used for 11 v 11 games and is located 200 yard further down on the right.

South Lake Tahoe
Kahle Community Field - map
236 Kingsbury Grade, Lake Tahoe, NV From Carson City travel on Hwy 50 over Spooner Summit into the South Shore area. Just before the Stateline casinos turn left onto Kingsbury Grade (3 way intersection), then at the first left turn, turn into the parking lot for the Community Center.

Golden Eagle Regional Park - map
6400 Vista Blvd, Sparks NV (U-19 plays on Field 9)From I-580: go North and take I-80 East towards Sparks. Exit Vista Blvd and turn Left/North for about 8 miles. Turn Right onto Homerun Drive, then make an immediate Left onto Touchdown Drive. Continue to the soccer fields (fields #7-9).

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AYSO Area 2F

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Sacramento, California 95825

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